Saturday, June 30, 2007

Assignment #11 (B)

“The Society of Jesus ha been the first institution to build a relative permanent shanty in the ruins of Hiroshima. That had been while Father Kleinsorge was in the hospital. As soon as he got back, he began living in the shack, and he an another priest, Father Lederman, who had joined him in the mission, arranged for the purchase of three of the standardized “barracks,” which the city was selling at seven thousand yen a piece. They put two together, end to end, and made a pretty chapel of them; they ate in the third. When materials were available, they commissioned a contractor to build a three-story mission house exactly like the one that had been destroyed in the fire. In the compound, carpenters cut timbers, gouged mortises, shaped tenons whittled scores of wooden pegs and bores holes for them, until all the parts for the house were in a neat pile; then, in three days they put the whole thing together, like an Oriental puzzle, without any nails at all. Father Kleinsorge was finding it hard, as Dr. Fujii had suggested he would, to be cautions and to take his naps. He went out every day on foot to call on Japanese Catholics and prospective converts. As the months went by, he grew more and more tired. In June, he read an article in the Hiroshima chugoku warning survivors against working too hard-but what could he do? By July, he was worn out, and early August, almost exactly on the anniversary of the bombing, he went back to the Catholic international hospital, in Tokyo, for a month’s rest.” (Hersey, 1985, p. 85)

Could this paragraph be divided in two smaller paragraphs?

Assignment #11 (A)

“A new municipal government, set up under Allied military Government direction, had gone to work at last in the city hall. Citizens who has recovered from various degrees of radiation sickness were coming back by the thousand-by November 1st, the population, mostly crowded into the outskirts, was already 137,000, more than a third of the wartime peak-and the government set in motion all kinds of projects to put them to work rebuilding the city. It hired men to clear the streets, and others to gather scrap iron, which they sorted and piled in mountains opposite to the city hall. Some returning residents were putting up their own shanties and huts, and planting small squares of winter wheat besides them, but the city also authorized and built four hundred one-family “barracks.” Utilities were repaired-electric lights shone again, trams started running, and employees of the water works fixed seventy thousand leaks in mains and plumbing. A planning conference, with an enthusiastic young military Government officer, Lieutenant John D. Montgomery, of Kalamazoo, as it adviser, began to consider what sort of city the new Hiroshima should be. The ruined city had flourished- and had been an inviting target- mainly because it had been one of the most important military-command and communications center in Japan, and would have become the imperial headquarters had the islands been invaded and Tokyo captured. Now there would be no huge military establishments to help revive the city. The planning conference, at a loss as to just what importance Hiroshima could have, fell back on rather vague cultural and paving projects. It drew maps with avenues and hundred yards wide and thought seriously of erecting a group of buildings as a monument to the disaster, and naming them the institute of international Amity. Statistical workers gathered what figures they could on the effects of the bomb. They reported that 78,150 people had been killed.13, 983 were missing, and 37,425 had been injured. No one in the city government pretended that these figures were accurate-though the Americans accepted them as official- and as the months went by and more and more hundreds of corpses were dug up from the ruins, and as the number of unclaimed urns of ashes at the Zempoji Temple in Koi rose into the thousand, the statisticians began to say that at least a hundred thousand people had lost their lives in the bombing. Since many people died in a combination of causes, it was impossible to figure exactly how many were killed by each cause, but the statisticians calculated that about twenty-five percent had died of direct burns from the bomb, about fifty percent from other injuries, and about twenty percent as a result of radiation effects. The statisticians’ figures on property damaged were more reliable: Sixty-two thousand out of ninety thousand buildings destroyed, and sixty thousand more damaged beyond repair. In the heart of the city, they found only five modern buildings that could be use again without major repairs. This small number was by no means the fault of flimsy Japanese construction. In fact, since 1923 earthquake, Japanese building regulations had requires that the roof of each large building be able to bear a minimum load of seventy pounds per square foot, whereas American regulations do not normally specify more than forty pounds per square foot.” (Heresey, 1985, pp. 80, 81)

Could this paragraph be divided into a three small paragraphs?

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Assignment 10 (C) - Help.


3. Consider this passage from Brian’s hunt:

A coyote, perhaps, brush wolf as they called the up north, or maybe a timber wolf, two wolves, one begging from the other.

What is the sentence type here, and why?

Can somebody help me with this one, I think this sentence is incomplete but I am not sure about it so could you please explained to me.

Thank you.

Assignment 10 (B)


7. Consider this passage form Brian’s hunt:

He thought at first that he had changed again, that there were steps in how he had done so, but he realized that he was changing constantly as the world around him shifted, as he learned more.

In this passage we find Brian’s observations about himself. How do his observations relate to you exactly? In other words, what should you take from this passage?


What I should take from this passage is that we learn according to our experiences, those ones teach us about what we have done; and if we have done it wrong we learn the right way to do it.

Revised answer:

These observations relate to me in the way I learn. Most of the time I learn through experiences and these ones teach me more than advises do. Experience teaches us what is good and what is not and how should we do things at work and at school. Also experiences show us how things change and how we should deal with them.

Assignment 10 (A).

5. According to Brian, what is the key to hunting and why is that the key? How might this relate to you even though you are not a hunter?

According to Brian the key of hunting is to be patient. This relates to me in the way I do things. Let’s say when I’m working I want to finish things faster but if I do them with too much haste I’m not going to do them well instead if I am patient things will be well done.

Revised answer:

According to Brian the key of hunting is to be patient. He knows patient is the key of hunting because he learned that to hurry is to lose. Even if I am not a hunter I have goals to achieve and without patient this goals would be very difficult to reach. As I said before let’s say I have to do work and I need this work well done. If I’m in a hurry doing this work the most probably thing that could happen is that the work is not going to be well done and my boss or whoever I’m doing this for is not going to be happy with it, but if I do it with calm and patient, even if I’m in a rush, the work is going to be well done and whoever this work is done for is going to be happy whit it.

Assignment #9 (B)

“The lot of Drs. Fujii, Kanda and Machii right after the explosion- and, as these three were typically, that of the majority of the physicians and surgeons of Hiroshima-
With their offices and hospitals destroyed, their equipment scattered, their bodies incapacitated in varying degrees, explained why so many citizens who were hurt went untended and why so many how might have live died.” (Hersey, 1945, p.24)

What does “- and, as these three were typically, that of the majority of the physicians and surgeons of Hiroshima-”refers to?

Assignment #9 (A)

“She had hoped that they would go back to sleep, but the man I the house directly to the south began to make a terrible hullabaloo of hammering, wedging, ripping, and splitting. The prefectural government, convinced, as everyone in Hiroshima was, the city would be attacked soon, had begun to press with threats and warnings for the completion of wide fire lanes, which, it was hoped…” (Hersey, 1945, p.7)

Who does “had begun to press with threats and warnings...” refers to? Is it to the neighbor?

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Assignment #8 (B)

"Then he cut the deer's throat to bleed it and began the drag back to camp. He would normally have dressed the deer out and left the guts but he wanted them for the dog, especially the heart and liver." (Paulsen, 2003, p.58)

Assignment #8 (A)

"Brian cleaned the needle and put the kit away in the canoe, whased the blood from his hands in the lake, found more wood for the fire and built the flames up."(Paulsen, 2003, p.37)

Thursday, May 31, 2007



Horatio Nelson, the famous English naval hero, once was supposed to have said:” Men and ships rot in port.”

Horatio Nelson, the famous English naval hero, once was supposed to have said:” Men and ships rot in port.”: Sub + verb combination Independent.

Caught by the sea, Page 33


The boat slammed, tore, ripped sideways across the water. She was knocked flat. Without instrumentation I had no way of knowing the speed but I suspect that the beginning of the blow was more than six knots.

The boat slammed, tore, ripped sideways across the water: Independent.

She was knocked flat: Independent

Without instrumentation I had no way of knowing the speed but I suspect that the beginning of the blow was more than six knots: Independent, coordinator, independent.

Caught by the sea, Page 42.


Now I’m amazed to remember how much I missed the sea, because it hadn’t been a real part of my life between the ages of ten and seventeen, when I enlisted.

Now I’m amazed to remember how much I missed the sea: Independent.

…because it hadn’t been a real part of my life between the ages of ten and seventeen, when I enlisted: Subordinator, dependent.

Caught by the sea, Page 4.


I didn’t care. I was completely enraptured by what had happened to me. I lowered the mainsail and sat peacefully drifting around in circles, feeling at home.

I didn’t care: Independent.

I was completely enraptured by what had happened to me: Independent.

I lowered the mainsail: Independent. And: coordinator. Sat peacefully drifting around in circles: Dependent.

Caught by the sea. Page 35.

Sea feelings.

"But this, this beginning motion, this first time when a sail truly filled and the boat took life and knifed across the lake under perfect control, this was so beautiful it stopped my breath, as it had stopped when I first saw the pacific".

Read about Gary felling this voyage in the way that he did is exiting and make me think that not everybody enjoys sailing like him not only sailing but the sea can be seen as an other thing that he loves and it seems like he has to be there in order to make his life and his whole existence complete that is what Gary transmits through this passage.