Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Assignment 10 (B)


7. Consider this passage form Brian’s hunt:

He thought at first that he had changed again, that there were steps in how he had done so, but he realized that he was changing constantly as the world around him shifted, as he learned more.

In this passage we find Brian’s observations about himself. How do his observations relate to you exactly? In other words, what should you take from this passage?


What I should take from this passage is that we learn according to our experiences, those ones teach us about what we have done; and if we have done it wrong we learn the right way to do it.

Revised answer:

These observations relate to me in the way I learn. Most of the time I learn through experiences and these ones teach me more than advises do. Experience teaches us what is good and what is not and how should we do things at work and at school. Also experiences show us how things change and how we should deal with them.

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